MA3 Martin Rootes Vol 1 Art

Micro Arts MA3: Martin Rootes – generative art programmed for the BBC Micro 


MA3: Runner

‘Nude descending a staircase’ by Marcel Duchamp was based on an Eadweard Muybridge photograph series, instead of a nude descending a staircase it was a running man. This was recorded onto video at a later date with a sound track.

“Chronophotography” is a photographic technique from the Victorian era. It captures a number of regular phases of movements and was used to investigate animal and human locomotion, amongst other things.

The above video starts with Runner (Duchamp/Muybridge) then continues with other algorhythmic art pieces.

Martin Rootes:

There were five programs. Each one was based on different genres of art.


Generated swirling patterns – Vorticist art.


The “logical” drawing modes created moiré effects- Op Art paintings.

The other three programs were animated patterns.


De Stijl style art. This effect was used on my computer art for Sheffield band Plan 9’s video of ‘Red Tin Boxes’.

Pic Swap

Card mosaics used in the Moscow Olympics where sections of the crowd held coloured cards to create images.


‘Nude descending a staircase’ by Marcel Duchamp was based on an Eadweard Muybridge photograph series, instead of a nude descending a staircase it was a running man.



