Videos computer art MA1, MA2, MA3

Micro Arts computer videos

The videos below have no sound.
Many more videos will be added so please return or subscribe. For more details on each piece, see the MA software pages. Click on the software title for more information.

Interested in text generation? Visit MA4 Story Generator.

MA1 ” Abstract Originals”

Geoff Davis 1984

MA1 ‘Abstract Originals’  – Geoff Davis 1984 (7 generative art pieces)

7 generated art displays (below)

MA1 ‘Abstract Originals’ – #3

MA1 ‘Abstract Originals’ – #1

MA2 Various Unusual Events

Geoff Davis 1984

MA2 Various Unusual Events – Geoff Davis 1984 (6 conceptual and art pieces) 

Piano Bar (player piano, also inspired by weaving)



In June 1916 Hugo Ball, founder of Dada, performed a set of sound poems on stage at the Cabaret Voltaire club in Zurich. This program created random works from letter, to be recited as sound art, or used at parties.


Minimal – slow art – 2 years to finish. An early example of environmental or slow (long term) art. Also a joke about fast paced computer graphics.

There were other pieces on MA2, not shown here.

Studio (abstract animation with feet and beeps); Carry On Computing (math art); The Money Work System (character animation, Valerie Solanas/Warhol, UBI);

MA3 Martin Rootes Volume One

Martin Rootes 1984

MA3 Martin Rootes Vol. 1 1984 (5 generative art pieces)

MA3 art show reel also see single pieces below.


Texture and Pattern



Ma4 Story Generator

Geoff Davis 1985 (Prestel teletext distribution)

MA4 – Cow Boils Head text story generator – Geoff Davis 1985

Several runs of the story text generator. This was a procedural story generator PSG. Visit the the MA4 page for the original short story and several runs of the generator.