This is the section for full details the extensive computer art produced by Micro Arts. If you just want to look at the art, use the pulldown menus in this section or use these links:
Image Art Gallery – still frames from the algorithmic art, animations and text generators
Videos– videos of the software, scaled up from the original size using a Spectrum Emulator (Speccy), BBC Micro using Beeb-em.
MA1 Geoff Davis ‘Abstract Originals’ 7 generative animated art pieces with full menu control
MA2 Geoff Davis Various Unusual Events – 6 conceptual pieces such as Minima (pixel art), Studio (abstract/figurative), Carry On Computing (‘math art’) etc.
MA3 Martin Rootes Volume 1 – 5 animations
MA4 Geoff Davis Story Generator – endless generated stories about animal revenge, versions of my short story ‘Cow Boils Head’.
See also:
Micro Arts Magazine – one issue, was 75 pence (0.75 £ UKP) or free with a data cassette, and was distributed by ArtExpress.
Prestel – network art – Micro Arts was invited onto Micronet 800 on the Prestel teletext network service (before the web)
People – memoirs from members of that exciting period