New P5 Code Onchain 40th Anniversary Series

The plan for this 40th anniversary year is to make all Geoff Davis’s Micro Arts outputs from 1984 onwards available onchain. This will start with a free ‘net art’ version in P5 on this website. Then we will release other works in other ways.


2024, London.

1/ MA2 Various Unusual Events collection – MINIMAL– this is the debut of PIXEL ART and SLOW ART which did not exist in 1984 until MINIMAL exploded onto the micro and art scene (I exaggerate).

Each PIXEL is drawn individually, with the maximum ‘Pause’ frame delay allowed on the ZX Spectrum microcomputer. This is about 20 minutes, so the entire screen takes around 2 years to fill. Below we have an image of it after around 250 pixels have been drawn, which takes about 84 hours or three and a half days. This is being released on SLOW ART DAY which is 13 April 2024.

MA2 Minimal Geoff Davis 1984
MA2 Minimal Geoff Davis 1984

2/ MA1 “Abstract Originals” – LINES – this is on elementum already as 4k videos, which is amusing as the original is 256×192 px.
3/ MA4 STORY GENERATOR – with new some story data. This has been exhibited several times since 1984, most recently in elementun gallery space, Zurich 2023 (curated by Georg Bak).

MA4 Story Generator Geoff Davis
MA4 Story Generator Geoff Davis