elementum.art launch new cube video and Grid 88 history

Launch of new Micro Arts Cube videos and Micro Arts Grid 88
with elementum.art on Wednesday 22 Feb 2023 – Zurich Switzerland.

Georg Bak and Geoff Davis Zurich 2023 elementum.art
ZX Spectrum, Micro Arts Magazine, Grid 88 on wall – Georg Bak and Geoff Davis Zurich 2023 elementum.art
Geoff Davis & Georg Bak curator of elementum.art
Geoff Davis & Georg Bak, curator, elementum.art
MA4 Story Generator Geoff Davis
MA4 Story Generator Geoff Davis
geoff Davis Georg Bak Zurich 2023
geoff Davis Georg Bak Zurich 2023
elementum art Micro Arts drop
Catalogue for elementum art Micro Arts drop

Geoff Davis of Micro Arts Group is live on Instagram in Zurich 4pm Central European time 22/2/2023. Visit elementum on Insta to find out more.

Please click here to visit elementum.art blog for details – there are 3 posts

This is our third exhibition in three years. There are 4 of our special cube videos, and a new 88 image grid of the 40 year history, starting with my code for MA1 in 1983 (BASIC screen shot) and ending with the new Spatial VR Micro Arts gallery.


Music performance with Etalon Production (Patryk Jaworski) Micro Arts setting

I met Patryk at the recent 8-bit exhibition in Leicester. He is a prolific recordist in live settings such as parks or old buildings. He suggested doing a concert in the Lightbox gallery space at LCB Depot. The excellent result is below.

Etalon Production – Air, Pressure and Tension | Less Solid Dialect (vol.4) 2021 | PATRYK JAWORSKI