Still images
I am releasing a series of ‘8 Bit Max‘ images expanded from my original generative algorhythmic images. See below for Siggraph Sparks online 3 Dec 2021 9pm GMT about still images.
Animated GIF art is a hybrid type, usually a still image with a small amount of animation, often limited to small areas, and one change like a flip.
Here’s an experimental image I made earlier from one of the MA1 stills. They master image is hi res so can be zoomed.

Zoom in

Sparks – 3 Dec 2021
There is a new Siggraph Sparks session (online) ‘Within the Frame: Continuum of the Still Image’ moderated by Dena Eber and Sue Gollifer (December 3, 2021, 4PM EST/9PM GMT).
This 10th SPARKS session welcomes the presentation of artworks and projects that represent the continuum of image making and that reveal the essential ways that digital tools have moved it forward. Thus, we are looking for artists, theorists, researchers and practitioners of any image making practice to present and talk about works that range from fully digital, to a hybrid of digital and traditional practice that illustrate the growth of image making since the onset of widely available digital tools. The work or aesthetics may be about the medium or they might simply tell a story or illustrate concepts.
We are interested in a range of approaches including those from the past and those from the bleeding edge, using out of the box or homespun tools. Still images of any kind are welcome as our ultimate goal is to not only establish how digital methods are essential to image making, but also to highlight and perhaps remind us that the single image is still powerful and still important now, more than ever.